Thus the application of nanotechnology has a great influence not only on science, but also on daily activity, therefore, mentoring the next generation of researchers in nanoscience by means of thorough hands-on training is an all-important question.
For this purpose we designed NANOEDUCATOR – the scientific training complex with a set of learning aids, accessories for introducing students to nanotechnology and giving them a basic understanding of how work with objects at nanoscale level.
NANOEDUCATOR, student oriented SPM, is your key to the minuscule world, developed for use by even first-time microscope users, it can navigate through the step-by-step operation. This device is designed to capture the students interest in science and train future nanotechnologists using both AFM and STM techniques.
Robust and foolproof, NANOEDUCATOR is provided an interdisciplinary education with a broad understanding of different fields of nanoscience. Owing to such approach, cells, viruses, bacteria can be investigated as well as metals, semiconductors, dielectrics, polymers etc.
Components of the scientific training laboratory*:
- 3-5 scanning probe microscopes
Teacher’s computer
- Etching tool for sharpening the probes
- Tip exchanging tool
- Training manual on principles of SPM spectroscopy and nanolithography and textbook
- Detailed user’s guide
- Virtual scanning operation by special demo mode
- Advanced contextual Help
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) collection
- Laboratory courses with a set of test samples and probes
Comprehensive remote control from teacher’s computer allows to provide interactive learning.
NANOEDUCATOR perfectly suited for secondary school as well as for higher education opens our minds for new means of nanoeducation and allows to create the scientific training laboratory equipped by several networked complexes. Class of NANOEDUCATORs is a cost effective solution for practical training sessions.
Getting experience, not only knowledge, with NANOEDUCATOR- your bridge from the classroom to workplace.
*Please contact our sales manager for a consultation about product and package delivery.
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